Workshop “CECAM-Metastability and multiscale effects in interfacial phenomena”

Between 13th and 15th March 2023 the Workshop entitled “CECAM-Metastability and multiscale effects in interfacial phenomena” was held in presence, in Lausanne, Switzerland.
The objective of this workshop is to gather experimentalists and theoreticians to discuss fundamental aspects of transitions between metastable states separated by energy barriers. The common thread running through these diverse problems is their multiscale nature which creates unique challenges for experiment, simulation and theory. To overcome these limitations, a collection of rare-event techniques have been developed over the last 25 years such as the nudged elastic band and string methods among others to study such transitions. recent advances in the latter now allow for the molecular-level description of highly inhomogeneous systems, such as wetting of heterogeneous substrates so that, in combination with other frameworks such as fluctuating hydrodynamics, a complete microscopic theory, e.g. of crystal nucleation, is feasible.
Organizers: S. Kalliadasis, J. Lutsko, E. Santiso.
Speakers: C. Schoonen, V. Alizadeh, D. Gebauer, T. Luu, P. Asinari, M. Bottacchiari, M. Bussoletti, C. M. Casciola, S. Meloni (Electro Intrusion), G. Paulo, F. Rasera Figueiredo, T. Van Erp, L. Macdowell, I. Pagonabarraga, C. Valeriani, M. Pellegrino, Z. Casar, S. Cox, M. Gallo, B. Goddard, H. Kusumaatmaja, J. Mcmanus, A. L. Noumbissi Ngambia, M. Salvalaglio, R. Sear, P. Yatsyshin, A. Gupta, A. Haji-Akbari , E. Santiso.
Intrusion of water in hydrophobic crystalline porous materials , S. Meloni.