Graphic Cover on Scientific Journals
Nov 05, 2024

Two different covers proposed by EI members were selected as graphic covers and published in two peer-reviewed Scientific Journals.
Two graphic Cover proposed by EI members were selected as graphic covers and published in two peer-reviewed Scientific Journals.
Unife's cover, featuring Veronica Vitali from the University of Ferrara as the lead artist, was selected as the inside backcover for Small Vol. 20 No. 42 upon the publication of the scientific article Counterintuitive Trend of Intrusion Pressure with Temperature in the Hydrophobic Cu2(tebpz) MOF Small 2024, 2402173.CICEnergieGUNE's cover, was selected as the inside backcover for The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Vol. 128 No. 29 upon the publication of the scientific article Partial Water Intrusion and Extrusion in Hydrophobic Nanopores for Thermomechanical Energy Dissipation J. Physical. Chem. C 2024, 128, 29, 12036-12045.